I finally did it...I bought a new car. Is it weird that this purchase officially makes me feel like an adult? I had been driving my red 2dr 98 Grand Am since I was 16, and after 7 years, she was tired. The grandammit was reliable though, and she took much better care of me than I did of her. I remember all of the roadtrips, accidents, near fatal accidents and curb checks that she got me though. I got every bit of juice out of those 4 cylinders. When I left her, the paint was chipped, her front windshield was cracked, the rear view mirror was in the backseat and the heater didn't work. I let the dealership buy her from me for merely $750. But in her place, I have this nice 2007 Jetta Wolfsburg. The Wolfsburg has seat heaters, a sunroof and an iPod adapter -- all upgrades from the Grandammit. I don't know if the Wolfsburg will ever have quite the character of the Grandammit, but time will tell. Like many of you, I didn't purchase my first car, but was lucky enough to have parents that could buy one for me. There's nothing quite like your first car, but there's an overwhelming sense of pride when you are finally able to purchase one for yourself.
Note: If you see me driving around D.C. in the Jetta, please stay at least 10 feet away. I hyperventelate at the thought of someone scratching my car. Parallel parking in the city has been a new source of anxiety for me. Just keep your distance.
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